Lifestyle —
October 6, 2016

Double Fudge Brownie Pie from Cake In A Crate

A Double Fudge Brownie Pie baking kit, made by yours truly, that is delivered straight to your door. Pure heaven. Uh so yeah. Some news, guys. I’ve been asked for years by friends and readers alike “Do you sell your baked goods?” And while the answer up until now has been “no, but maybe one day,”…

Lifestyle —
October 6, 2016
Double Fudge Brownie Pie from Cake In A Crate

A Double Fudge Brownie Pie baking kit, made by yours truly, that is delivered straight to your door. Pure heaven. Uh so yeah. Some news, guys. I’ve been asked for years by friends and readers alike “Do you sell your baked goods?” And while the answer up until now has been “no, but maybe one day,”…

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Double Fudge Brownie Pie from Cake In A Crate

A Double Fudge Brownie Pie baking kit, made by yours truly, that is delivered straight to your door. Pure heaven.

A Double Fudge Brownie Pie baking kit, made by yours truly, that is delivered straight to your door. Pure heaven.

Uh so yeah. Some news, guys.

I’ve been asked for years by friends and readers alike “Do you sell your baked goods?” And while the answer up until now has been “no, but maybe one day,” the answer now is “OMG YES.”


A Double Fudge Brownie Pie baking kit, made by yours truly, that is delivered straight to your door. Pure heaven.
Let me start from the beginning. Last spring one of the companies I work with, Rodelle (literally the best cocoa powder I’ve ever come across. ever), introduced me to the Vermont-based company Cake In A Crate. “They sell vegan, gluten-free baking mixes,” they told me. “You should totally do it!”

I had to know more. So we all got talking, and I learned that Cake In A Crate delivers premium packaged baking ingredients, perfectly proportioned, straight to your door. They come in the exact amounts needed for your specific recipe, so all you have to do is mix everything up and bake it.

Forget boxed vanilla cake, we’re talking things like Salty Date Caramel Scotcheroos, Hazelnut Mini Cakes, and now: Double Fudge Brownie Pie.

A Double Fudge Brownie Pie baking kit, made by yours truly, that is delivered straight to your door. Pure heaven.

While Cake In A Crate has their own amazing recipes, they love to partner with with food bloggers, who create their own unique recipes.

What this means is that Cake In A Crate and I worked tirelessly over the last few months developing, baking, and tasting a ton of brownies. We went through multiple rounds of recipe testing to make sure these Double Fudge Brownies were the best they could be.

I’m not kidding when I say they’re the best brownies I’ve ever made. Like seriously, look at that crackly crust. It’s vegan for goodness sake, and it’s got a shiny crust! Pure magic if you ask me.

These brownies are so good that one tester gave us this feedback:

So I legitimately had a woman get huffy at me because she told me the brownie pie ‘didn’t smell vegan,’ and how dare I try to poison her. This is one of our nuttier neighbors, and I actually emailed her all about Cake In A Crate[…] in case she wanted to inquire about ingredients, sourcing, etc. My fiancé and I had a laugh about it–she insisted she could tell based on smell and taste if something was vegan. I guess Cake in a Crate defies vegan normalcy?!

A Double Fudge Brownie Pie baking kit, made by yours truly, that is delivered straight to your door. Pure heaven.

I couldn’t stop laughing. And I totally agree- there is nothing about this brownie that tastes vegan. It’s rich, creamy, chewy, and so, so good.

Be sure to get your own Double Fudge Brownie Pie here. Or get two, or three, or four… you know, for your family. Christmas. Chanukah. Freaking Halloween, too! All brownie all the time.

Last, I’m giving away one Double Fudge Brownie Pie today on Instagram (enter here). Enter to win the chance to get a Broma original recipe delivered straight to your door!

And thank you in advance for supporting me, everyone. Like seriously, I love and appreciate you all so much. You are the reason things like this are possible. A THOUSAND HUGS TO YOU!

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  1. Found you via Ambitious Kitchen and want to order, but I have a question! Does the Crate include the recipe (with amounts for each ingredients) so I can make these again? Thanks!

    • Hi Ashley! No, the crate does not include the recipe, but I’d be more than happy to send it to you so you can make it over and over again (because they’re THAT good). Emailing you now 🙂