Thick AF Tahini Hot Chocolate made with hunks of bittersweet chocolate and spoonfuls of tahini. Guys, this stuff is pure liquid gold.
January 3, 2019

Liquid Gold Tahini Hot Chocolate

Let’s start 2019 off with a bang. Let’s start 2019 off with Tahini Hot Chocolate. You guys, this stuff is pure liquid gold.  When I was little, I loved me some Swiss Miss. You know, those instant hot chocolate packets that you stir into hot milk. And always the kind with marshmallows in the packet.…

January 3, 2019
Liquid Gold Tahini Hot Chocolate
Thick AF Tahini Hot Chocolate made with hunks of bittersweet chocolate and spoonfuls of tahini. Guys, this stuff is pure liquid gold.

Let’s start 2019 off with a bang. Let’s start 2019 off with Tahini Hot Chocolate. You guys, this stuff is pure liquid gold.  When I was little, I loved me some Swiss Miss. You know, those instant hot chocolate packets that you stir into hot milk. And always the kind with marshmallows in the packet.…

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Liquid Gold Tahini Hot Chocolate

Thick AF Tahini Hot Chocolate made with hunks of bittersweet chocolate and spoonfuls of tahini. Guys, this stuff is pure liquid gold.

Let’s start 2019 off with a bang. Let’s start 2019 off with Tahini Hot Chocolate. You guys, this stuff is pure liquid gold. 

Thick AF Tahini Hot Chocolate made with hunks of bittersweet chocolate and spoonfuls of tahini. Guys, this stuff is pure liquid gold.

When I was little, I loved me some Swiss Miss. You know, those instant hot chocolate packets that you stir into hot milk. And always the kind with marshmallows in the packet. Always.

I mean in general I was a hot chocolate loving child. I think I liked to ski so much because breezing down the mountain was exhilarating both for the thrill of it but also because I was headed to get hot chocolate at the lodge below. One time on a road trip, I made my dad stop at a Lindt Chocolate outpost so I could try their famous thick hot chocolate.

Thick AF Tahini Hot Chocolate made with hunks of bittersweet chocolate and spoonfuls of tahini. Guys, this stuff is pure liquid gold.

While I loved my Swiss Miss so, I always felt a hint of disappointment as I sipped it. Why the heck was it so thin? Isn’t hot chocolate supposed to be thicccc? Like that one at Lindt. I wanted THAT.

And yes I’m like 20 years late to fulfilling my dream of creating a thick AF hot chocolate, I’ve officially done it, and it’s DAMN DELICIOUS, people!

Thick AF Tahini Hot Chocolate made with hunks of bittersweet chocolate and spoonfuls of tahini. Guys, this stuff is pure liquid gold.

This Tahini Hot Chocolate is pure liquid gold. It’s so thick that when you put it in the fridge it becomes solid. And the flavor is deep thanks to a combination of cinnamon, espresso powder, and vanilla extract.

And the tahini? It gives the hot chocolate a fantastic complexity. It makes things a hint nutty and extra thick.

Thick AF Tahini Hot Chocolate made with hunks of bittersweet chocolate and spoonfuls of tahini. Guys, this stuff is pure liquid gold.

Of course because this hot chocolate is so rich, it’s not meant to be served in a giant 20 ounce mug. I opted for these sweet 6 oz glasses, and wouldn’t recommend drinking more than that, as this stuff is hefty.

But like in the most amazing way. Like how it should be. 🙂

Thick AF Tahini Hot Chocolate made with hunks of bittersweet chocolate and spoonfuls of tahini. Guys, this stuff is pure liquid gold.

Alright biddies, happy 2019 and ENJOY!

Thick AF Tahini Hot Chocolate made with hunks of bittersweet chocolate and spoonfuls of tahini. Guys, this stuff is pure liquid gold.

Thick AF Tahini Hot Chocolate made with hunks of bittersweet chocolate and spoonfuls of tahini. Guys, this stuff is pure liquid gold.

Liquid Gold Tahini Hot Chocolate

5 Stars 4 Stars 3 Stars 2 Stars 1 Star 4.9 from 10 reviews


  • 1 1/2 cups whole milk
  • 1/2 cup tahini
  • 23 tablespoons honey, to taste
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/2 teaspoon espresso powder
  • 1/8 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/8 teaspoon salt
  • 8 ounces bittersweet chocolate, roughly chopped
  • whipped cream, for topping
  • sesame seeds, for topping


    1. In a small saucepan over low heat, whisk together the milk, tahini, honey (starting with 2 tablespoons), vanilla extract, espresso powder, cinnamon, and salt. Heat until the milk is just shy of scalding, then remove from heat and add in chopped chocolate. 
    2. Allow to sit for 5 minutes before whisking together. At that point, the chocolate should be fully melted, but if it isn’t, place back on heat for 1 minute. If you like your hot chocolate sweeter, taste and add another tablespoon honey.  
    3. Pour tahini hot chocolate into small mugs. Top with whipped cream and sesame seeds and serve!

This thick and cream tahini hot chocolate is literally the stuff of dreams

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  1. This. Was. Insane!
    I was skeptical considering we made the tahini so we could add it to roast veg, but my husband and i really disliked the flavour. However, since we made it, we had so much and i did not want to chuck it.
    Since ive loved every single one of your recipes, i hunted for a tahini recipe and came across this. I halved the recipe because i didnt want to waste 200g lindt if we didnt like it. But oh my goodness, its incredible! I did use coconut milk instead of milk, and just used 70% lindt, halved everything besides the vanilla and espresso. So good! I find that the addition of the tahini adds so much depth to the flavour.

    Please make more recipes with the addition of a natural ingredient, not to make it healthy, but to add that depth of flavour. I find that adding little things like the tahini to a hot choc which would typically just be a sugary milk treat is so much better, and the same applies for cakes and biscuits! Hopefully you see this and experiment and it works! Looking forward to it! I love your recipes! Thank you!

  2. First of all, this is heavenly. Second of all, I made a happy discovery: refrigerated leftovers of this make the most awesome chocolate mouse!!