How To Host The Most Epic Pizza Party. Less than 1 hour of prep and you've got yourself a sensational spread that will excite everyone!
Dinner Ideas
June 29, 2017

How To Host The Most Epic Pizza Party

Group text 12:13pm on Tuesday, June 20th: Me: Guys, tomorrow I’m shooting an epic pizza party on the patio for DeLallo. BYOB. I’ll provide everything pizza related and everyone can make their own custom pizzas! Friend 1: Are you asking us to come?! Friend 2: I can come! Friend 3: Otay! And that was the…

Dinner Ideas
June 29, 2017
How To Host The Most Epic Pizza Party
How To Host The Most Epic Pizza Party. Less than 1 hour of prep and you've got yourself a sensational spread that will excite everyone!

Group text 12:13pm on Tuesday, June 20th: Me: Guys, tomorrow I’m shooting an epic pizza party on the patio for DeLallo. BYOB. I’ll provide everything pizza related and everyone can make their own custom pizzas! Friend 1: Are you asking us to come?! Friend 2: I can come! Friend 3: Otay! And that was the…

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How To Host The Most Epic Pizza Party

How To Host The Most Epic Pizza Party. Less than 1 hour of prep and you've got yourself a sensational spread that will excite everyone!

Group text 12:13pm on Tuesday, June 20th:

Me: Guys, tomorrow I’m shooting an epic pizza party on the patio for DeLallo. BYOB. I’ll provide everything pizza related and everyone can make their own custom pizzas!
Friend 1: Are you asking us to come?!
Friend 2: I can come!
Friend 3: Otay!

And that was the beginning of the classiest, most epic pizza party Detroit has ever seen.

How To Host The Most Epic Pizza Party

For those of you who don’t know, I’ve been working with DeLallo for a little over a year now. And in literally every email exchange with them, I make it known how many times since our last correspondence I’ve made pizza with their Pizza Dough Kit.

You see, Alex and I love homemade pizza. We have competitions to see who can make the best pizza, and we judge by eating every. last. bite.

But making homemade pizza dough can be a challenge- you need the right kind of flour, to have yeast on hand, and to knead it forever and ever in hopes that it will turn out half as good as pizza parlor dough.

How To Host The Most Epic Pizza PartyHow To Host The Most Epic Pizza Party       How To Host The Most Epic Pizza Party So when DeLallo sent me their Pizza Dough Kit one day last year, I dropped everything and got baking. The result was stellar: one bowl, no measuring, and a quick mix by hand. Let it rise for an hour et voilà. Best homemade pizza ever.

So since I’ve been obsessed with this dough kit for a while now, I figured the best way to share it with you all was to host an epic pizza party.

My goal was to get as many pair-able toppings as possible, so that my guests could enjoy a variety of pizzas. Luckily, DeLallo has a huge variety of Italian food products, so I loaded up my online cart with fresh provolone, mozzarella, pizza sauce, pesto, peppers, pepperoni, and more.

How To Host The Most Epic Pizza PartyHow To Host The Most Epic Pizza Party       How To Host The Most Epic Pizza PartyIn terms of making the most epic spread of toppings, I grouped my toppings into three categories, and got 4-5 items for each category:

Sauces/ Canned Toppings:
Olive oil
Balsamic glaze
Calabrian Chili Peppers
Roasted Red Peppers

Pecorino Romano

Fresh Toppings:

How To Host The Most Epic Pizza Party

Grouping things this way made it easy for my guests to pick and choose to make their pizzas unique. They could make a white pizza with olive oil, a red pizza with pizza sauce, or a green pizza with pesto. They had tons of cheeses to choose from. And they could top their pizzas with fresh produce, pepperoni, or herbs.

In terms of preparations, I used three pizza dough kits, which made us nine 12-inch pizzas. I rolled them out myself onto metal pizza pans right before my guests arrived so that all they had to do was add their toppings. The last thing you want with a make-your-own party is for your guests to feel put to work. So I did as much as I could ahead of time. Which still wasn’t much– I mean, I rolled out some dough and put everything into bowls. In fact, including setting the table, prep took me less than an hour.

The goal of summer entertaining, in my opinion, is to have delicious, stress-free meals that satisfy. This was exactly that, and everyone was so pleased with the result.

How To Host The Most Epic Pizza Party

Thinking of hosting your own pizza party this summer? You can get almost everything I used for my pizza party from Bonus! Use the code BROMA25 to get 25% off your entire order.

This post is sponsored by DeLallo. All text and opinions are 100% my own. Thank you for supporting the companies that help make Broma possible!

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  1. I love this idea!!! Can you tell me what size pizza pans you used and where to purchase them? I only have 2 huge pans and would love to be able to make smaller – individual pies. Also, how many can you bake at one time and how long are they in the oven? Thank you

    • Hi Kristine! I used 10-inch pie pans and actually borrowed them from my friends who own a pizza shop- HA! I would check on Amazon for similar ones. I baked up to 4 in the oven, for about 10 minutes on the highest heat setting.